Shesh Besh Loom Calculator

It was my pleasure to conceive and co-

curate this group show at Ink Poople Center For The Arts Brenda Tuxford Gallery in Eureka

Here  is my contribution: The Shesh Besh Loom


Board games are a good way to pass time in between. And very few games hold the balance between luck and skill as delicately as Shesh Besh (aka BackGammon.) This millenia old stage is the scene of two tribes weaving in migration through eachother in opposing directions, their march dictated by the roll of a pair of dice.

A set of simple rules makes the flow of the game effortless… almost meditative… allowing the mind to wander free into other realms. 

Resilience through Music

Through the years Iv’e had the privilege to have friendships with many supreme music curators and DJs.

If even I had the inkling to become one myself it is because of that constant flow of inspiration.

Heres a series of visual odes to the ones who make the soundtracks to some memorable moments

Graphic Novel?

There was a short stint in 2018 where the idea of making a graphic novel with Ancient civilization and sci-fi alien themes surfaced… it felt overwhelmingly heavy and went back to the fermentation chamber, but some sample drawings made it through the test of time waiting for the green light to resurface…






DIgital Collage collection

All the hours and days and years of graphic poster and flyer design have yielded quite a collection of digital photoshop collages that is Stands on its own without the textual data. Of course some political and social justice subplot emerges.